Creativepreneur VIP logo.

Congrats, you got your upgrade!

To access your VIP Ticket...

Chelly Ontis | 2023

You will receive an email shortly with details to log in titled: [ name ] Verify your email to access your courses.

To set up your account and log in:

1) Please click on the email to access the learning portal with your VIP Pass and bonuses.

2) Then click on the teal button “Sign in to your account.”

3) After you click on the link you will be asked to create a password for your account. Create and verify your password, then click the “Complete Registration” button.

You will then be taken to your dashboard where you can click on the course image and get started. No need to wait until the event starts.

If you purchased the 2024 Marketing Planner, you will be receiving an email with more details about your access. The training course for the planner included in your purchase will be on your dashboard when you log into your VIP Pass so you can get started reviewing the information while the planner is being shipped to you.

Check your invoices and payments for all your trainings and VIPs here

If you enrolled in the Creative Business Club  you will find it on your dashboard when you log into your VIP Ticket. Learn more about the Club here.

Creativepreneur Summit VIP Tour

Once logged in, click Creativepreneur Summit

This is what your trainings look like for the Creativepreneur Summit.

Got Questions? We've got Answers:

VIP Ticket attendees have access for 3 years to all the session in this summit presentations!

PLUS, you’ll get access to additional offers/bonuses you can snag before through August 31, 2024!

Due to the digital nature of the VIP Ticket and content, it is NON-refundable. Please be sure you are 100% committed to purchasing before you buy – but I’m sure you’ll love it!

We compiled the links for this event onto one page for you. View Question Page Here

We are happy to chat! Send Chelly and her team an email to hello@wecanmakethat.me, and we’ll get back to you within 1-3 business days.