By Bail Ansari | Just One More Project
If you’ve been thinking about adding a laser to your craft business, you’ll need to make a few decisions before doing so. In this presentation, learn the key decisions you’ll need to make in order to ensure adding a laser is right for you.
Bail Ansari is the creator behind Just One More Project. She’s a laser educator and an SVG file designer who focuses on laser-cut files for crafters and small businesses. Bail is a self-taught tech nerd who loves to geek out in Adobe Illustrator. You might know her from her Business or Craft user laser events. She is a girl mama, runs on coffee, and is all about simplifying the path to create.
Enjoy a one-month trial membership to Project Members Laser Crafting Membership! Level Up Your Laser Crafting Skills while learning valuable designing skills!
If you think you’re ready to dive into lasers, I’d love for you to join me in Project Members. Project Members is a monthly laser crafting membership made especially for laser makers. Each month, you’ll receive a step-by-step workshop with design and assembly instructions for a new laser project. This is the easiest way to begin using your laser to its full potential by learning the various things you can do with your laser every single month! Consider joining for a one-time annual cost of $199 (2 months free!)
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